How to get more blog comments on your blog

But it’s not surprising you want to increase your blog comments. After all having lots of blog comments gives plenty of benefits. It enables you to connect with your readers and build relationships with them, which in turn means they are more likely to purchase your products/services. Such interaction also provides you with the reassurance and motivation to continue blogging. It also proves to others that your blog is popular, valuable and useful. Readers might share valuable comments themselves which increases the value of your blog.
How to get people to leave a comment on your blog
- Write good quality blogs so that your readers want to give comments so they can engage further with you. Quality blogs not only improves the number of comments, but also the quality of your comments.
- Don’t be afraid about writing about controversial topics, as this can stimulate debate. But ensure you don’t offend others.
- Invite your readers to comment – This helps prompt action. But don’t just say “please leave your comments”. Be more creative and inspirational. It’s a good idea to invite specific comments as this will give readers inspiration on what to comment on. For instance, ask for their tips, their preferences, their opinions, their advice, or their feedback. You might like to try the following: “what do you think about…..”, “Do you think……is a good idea?”, “What’s your best tip for…?”, “What’s your biggest challenge with….?” etc. Take time to craft a great call to action.
- Ask questions in the content of your post. Ask specific and simple questions that readers can answer. It’s very effective to include questions in your title as well, as this helps set the scene.
- Don’t write everything – Leave some gaps so your readers can contribute in their comments too.
- Interact with those who do comment. This shows you value your commenters and makes them feel appreciated, giving them an incentive to make future comments. Ensure you provide a personal and genuine reply to all your comments. Avoid generic messages.
- Readers are often lazy so make it easy to comment. If it’s too complicated, they are unlikely to bother. Your aim is to encourage comments, not scare readers away.
- Give incentives for readers to comment by rewarding those who comment. e.g. offer a reward for the best commenter of the week/the month. You can also reward readers by including a ‘good comment’ remark or highlighting them in other posts.
- Use the CommentLuv plugin – This provides incentives for readers to leave comments on your blog. They can link their name, website, Twitter ID, and their latest blog to the bottom of their comment.
- Manage and moderate your comments, ensuring it is free of spam and don’t allow people to inappropriately step over the boundaries. Use the Akismet plugin to get rid of unwanted spam comments.
- Ensure you are approachable – whilst it’s important to maintain a confident tone, being overconfident can intimidate readers and deter them from commenting.
- Be graceful in replying to commenters, even if they are a little harsh.
- Comment on other blogs and they will be prompted to visit your site and comment on your blog too. Utilise your networks and support each other’s blogs by commenting.
- Join a commenting tribe in your niche. To find them try using Facebook groups or think about creating your own.