Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Israeli Officials: We’d Prefer Al-Qaeda-Run Syria to an Assad Victory
JUNE 4, 2013

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (left) with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (right). Photo: www.direttanews.it.

Israeli officials are voicing their concern over Bashar al-Assad’s recent advances in his country’s civil war, Israeli Army Radio reported.

According to Israel Hayom, senior Israeli officials were quoted as saying that “al-Qaeda control over Syria would be preferable to a victory by Assad over the rebels.”

Officials believe that an Assad victory would strengthen Iran, as a weakened Syrian regime would become more reliant on the Islamic Republic. The Iran-Hezbollah-Syria axis would thus become an even greater threat to Israel, the officials said.

“Assad is now Iran,” the officials said, according to Israel Hayom. “Any of these groups would be less problematic for Israel than an Assad regime that is a puppet of Iran,” the officials were quoted as saying.
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