West on Technological Innovation |
his digital creativity in a blog forum, Darrell West conducted an experiment
with TechDirt to gain
insight into how the federal government can promote an innovation economy. West
provided an initial list of 96 ideas, which were then voted on, discussed, and
added to by blog readers. In his recent book, The Next Wave: Using
Digital Technology to Further Social and Political Innovation,
West cites how employing technological innovation can enable organizations to
modernize and improve performance. West also argues that digital technology
innovation is consistent in many ways with personal and social values; people
can deploy digital technology to improve participation and collaboration, and
political leaders can work with the private sector to stimulate a flowering of
innovation in a variety of policy areas. Read TechDirt’s blog post
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The Next
Wave »
Zakheim on Foreign Policy in Election Season |
Ziliak on Hunger and Food Security |
a recent interview with NPR, James P.
Ziliak notes that the Great Recession continues to have a negative effect on
families' ability to purchase basic food items. Ziliak, the head of the Center
for Poverty Research at the University of Kentucky, points to increased food
prices as a warning sign for future food security. Similarly, Ziliak joined
NPR’s show On
Point to discuss food consumption and hunger among
seniors. Ziliak is the editor of Appalachian Legacy:
Economic Opportunity after the War on Poverty, which examines how
the Appalachian community lives, eats, and works in an impoverished area. Led by
Ziliak, prominent economists and demographers address the systemic and seemingly
intractable socioeconomic problems within Appalachia. Listen to the NPR interview
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Appalachian Legacy »